The thought of me writing a blog post never really cross my mine especially to write it and share with the world (especially that). The reason why i refused and resist to write may be because of the fear of other people's judgment on my poor and limited writing skills or simply voices in my head echoing "why would anyone care ?" A loud uproar in my mind might be true but what thrust me forward to start writing here now is the excitement i feel upon discovering new skills and ideas on various platform and website that will improve my skills as a filmmaker, and i hope share that experience with you as well.
No, i don't see or expect this as my eureka moment nor do i have a rigid blog post schedule, my goal and plan now is to start, as a baby step. Simply turning 0 to 1.
What you can expect from my future blog post varies from topic, some include; Youtube video that i find educational, hidden gem website, podcast worth listening to, new book i read recently or simply my thoughts on certain topics.
So. Follow me through my filmmaking journey.